The majority of our country is in an uproar over the current president's refusal to have a Christmas Tree, but instead a Holiday Tree or Happy Holidays instead of Merry Christmas. Christians and non-Christians seem to be getting offended over this whole Happy Holidays fiasco. The whole debate over whether we should say "Happy Holidays" or "Merry Christmas" is causing a huge distraction in our country, in my opinion. We are all being distracted from doing what we are called to do.
This time of year is especially difficult for so many people. My family and I have experienced the loss of a loved one during the holiday season. We have expierenced financial hardship during this time making it difficult to provide the things that "the world" would tell us we need to provide to our children and to others. Christmas time has become a very commercial event and less an observance and remembrance of the birth of the Savior on this Earth.
It doesn't matter whether you believe Christmas is a Christian holiday, or whether you believe Christ was actually born at this time of year...we are still called to minister to the widows and orphans. In fact, James 1:27 says:
Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep onself unspotted from the world.
We can get so easily wrapped up in buying things our incomes won't allow us to pay off later, or putting off bills to buy that perfect gift for someone. The most perfect gift we could ever share with anyone is the love and saving power of the Name of Jesus Christ. We can show that love by visiting the widows and orphans. How do we do this in today's world?
Everyone has an elderly neighbor somewhere on their block that may not have family that visits or lives close. Make some cookies or some hot chocolate and just go and sit with them. Take the opportunity to ask if they believe Jesus is the Only Way to life eternal.
We all also know a child who needs love, affection, and hope. We can offer that hope through simple acts of kindness.
So...whether you decide Happy Holidays or Merry Christmas is okay...practice true and undefiled religion this holiday season. It is time for the body of Christ...the spotless Bride He is returning to stand and say there is Hope for this lost and dying world. It is time to shout: Widows, Orphans...the poor, needy and hungry, Jesus loves you! You are His and He loves you! He wants to heal the hurting and save the lost...we must share that message this Holiday season. Let that be our focus and less the worldy and material things society would tell us we have to have or the proper phrase to use and see what mighty things occur in our lives and the lives of others...
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