
Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Mustard Seed Faith

It only takes a little faith to make the impossible possible.  Faith says we can move mountains, we can overcome any and all things.  Faith says that my God not only can but will provide all my needs according to His riches in glory.  Faith is knowing God will see me through any trial and tribulation.  Faith is knowing, without doubt...any doubt, that whether I "feel" His presence or not, He is with me always.  His word says He will leave me nor forsake me (Hebrews 13:5).  In fact, that is a promise to everyone of us...not just me or not just you...but a promise to all of us!  Hallelujah!

So...why mustard seed faith?  Well...the mustard seed is a tiny, tiny seed:

So, we all have a little mustard seed of faith in us.  We must learn how to cultivate and grow our little seed of faith into something strong, sure.  What did Jesus tell the disciples was the reason they couldn't cast the demon out of the boy?

Mat 17:19 Then the disciples came to Jesus apart, and said, Why could we not cast him out?
Mat 17:20 And Jesus said to them, Because of your unbelief. For truly I say to you, If you have faith like a grain of mustard seed, you shall say to this mountain, Move from here to there. And it shall move. And nothing shall be impossible to you.

"...Because of your unbelief."  Wow...our unbelief can prevent our faith from being effective or productive.  All we need is that teeny tiny bit of faith, as small as that grain of mustard seed, and belief.  Belief in what?  Why?

Our belief must be unshakable.  We must be able to say that we are solid in our foundation.  I have seen God performs miracles in my life.  I have seen Him provide for me when there was no way other way for provision.  I have prayed and He has answered.  He has proven He is true to His Word. 

We are saved by faith through believing that Jesus Christ is the Son of God that lived, died, and then rose again to reconcile mankind to God the Father.  We must continue to walk in this faith and belief.  We must continue to grow in faith so we can believe that if we say to the mountain before use Move, it moves. 

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