
Thursday, July 11, 2013

We are never alone

We live in a world with billions of people.  We belong to churches that have hundreds of members.  We work for large corporations that have hundreds of employees or we work for a company that has fewer than 50 employees.  We are constantly surrounded by people every day and yet...we can still feel so alone at times.

We want someone that will share in our joy and success.  We want someone that will cry with us in our grief and failures.  We want someone to just simply spend time with.  We often look to the people around us to fill these gaps and yet we still manage to feel alone. We want someone that will stand and fight with us during our difficult battles.

We are soldiers in a spiritual battle and so many times we feel as though we are fighting alone and facing defeat as our strength wanes.  We know we have armor that we are to put on every day to help protect us from the attacks of the enemy we know we will face.  Ephesians 6 lists all the elements of our spiritual armor that we are to take up and put on every day.  There is one area there is no armor for:  Our backs!

We are completely vulnerable from the backside for an attack we would never see coming.  The beauty of our God is this: while we may feel alone and helpless and weak, He is always there! 

Joshua 1:5 No man shall be able to stand before you all the days of your life. As I was with Moses, so I will be with you. I will not fail you nor forsake you.

He said He would never leave us nor forsake us.  We are never alone.  While our back sides may be vulnerable to attacks, the Mighty Warrior that disarmed the principalities and powers walks with us.  There is nothing that our God cannot do.  We keep our focus on Him.  We walk in His ways and keep His commandments, and He is our defense.  He is our Protector.  He is our Comforter.  He is our Peace.  He is our love.  When we cry out to Him when our battles begin to drain our strength, He will hide us under the shadow of His wings protecting us from our enemies and giving us renewed strength as we wait on Him.  

So take heart.. no matter what is going on in your life...whether you need support for a situation, prayer for a situation, someone to laugh with, cry with, or to stand in battle with, you have an ever present God that stands with you every day. 

Rom 8:31 What then shall we say to these things?
If God is for us, who can be against us?

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