Titus 2:1-8 But as for you, speak the things which are proper for sound doctrine: (2) that the older men be sober, reverent, temperate, sound in faith, in love, in patience; (3) the older women likewise, that they be reverent in behavior, not slanderers, not given to much wine, teachers of good things— (4) that they admonish the young women to love their husbands, to love their children, (5) to be discreet, chaste, homemakers, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God may not be blasphemed. (6) Likewise, exhort the young men to be sober-minded, (7) in all things showing yourself to be a pattern of good works; in doctrine showing integrity, reverence, incorruptibility, (8) sound speech that cannot be condemned, that one who is an opponent may be ashamed, having nothing evil to say of you.
First, in Titus it says we are to speak the things which are right for sound doctrine. In other words, if we truly believe then we are to live out what the Bible teaches us as followers of Christ. Titus actually discusses the behavior for men and women separately, so we will too. Part of this will be understanding the time this was written and the roles of men and women in relationships and their households. The men are to be sober, not given to drunkenness and to be vigilant or watchful. And Titus lists some other character traits the older men need to display. Look at what Titus says about women. He says that women should be reverent in their behavior. In other words, holy of conduct and living in a manner that is free from sin. We should also not be slanderers. Ladies, we do enjoy gossiping. We enjoy so much tearing each other down instead of building each other up. We talk about each other's hair, clothes, makeup, and even personality. We talk about how horribly behaved each other's children are. We make snap judgments based on, literally, the way another woman's hair looks that day. This is a sin. Gossip and slander do not further the Kingdom of God. Gossip and slander do not help us to grow the fruits of love, joy, peace, kindness, goodness. They do the opposite...they destroy those fruits within us and make us critical, negative, and hateful women. Now, look at verse 4...how can we admonish or correct younger women in the Lord if we ourselves are participating in the same behavior? Verses 6-8 give exactly why we are to grow spiritually and why we are to live out the teachings of Christ, allowing Him to work within us what He wants there, and removing what is not a part of Him.
Our younger generations are in danger of having no examples to follow. Our society is so very concerned about tolerance and not offending anyone that we have allowed the same sentiments to bleed over into our congregations. We have taken to gossiping about others, even those within the church, instead of trying to teach through our examples.
You've heard the saying, if you are going talk the talk, you better walk the walk. That could not be more true here. If we are going to teach others, as the writer of Hebrews said we should be doing, then we make sure our conduct represents that which Titus says it should represent. So, I think what we are back to is what are we each doing to ensure we are growing the fruit out of the incorruptible seed that has been placed within us? Can those around us see the fruit? Our lives are to be living sacrifices, Paul said. We are to be examples of Christ here on earth. How can we be that example if we are not living out the principles of Christ? How can we teach others the principles of Christ if they are not evident in our lives? How can we talk about God's unconditional love if we do not carry and display that same unconditional love within ourselves? How are we supposed to teach others how to be victorious through Christ if we are living in defeat?
Our spiritual maturity should be seen through the fruit we reveal to others and the way we conduct ourselves. If we are a city on a hill, set apart for God and a beacon to draw men to Him, then we have to display the qualities that will set us apart from the world...and we need to teach those younger than us so that the Body of Christ is ready, spotless and blameless for the returning of her Bridegroom.
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