Many of us work a "9-5" job with workdays of Monday-Friday. We enjoy our weekends but often consider them too short. We complain about having to get up and go to work on Monday mornings. Complaining about going to work on Monday mornings produces an attitude of resentment and frustration - and we may not even realize it.
When we have attitudes of anything less than joy and thanksgiving about having a job to go to, then we are not honoring God with everything we do. We cannot allow our frustration level to build until we dishonor God with our words and with our actions.
Colossians 3:17, 23-24
17 - And whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him.
23 - And whatever you do, do heartily, as to the Lord and not to men,
24 - knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance; for you serve the Lord Christ.
Paul said that whatever we doesn't matter what it is, we do as if we are doing it to the Lord. Our secular bosses are not our rewarders or promoters. God the Father promotes and puts down. Everything we do and everything we say should bring Him glory each and every day. We do not work for men. We work for the Lord. He has provided the job, the provision, and will cause us to flourish where He has planted us for that season.
I find it interesting that when I talk with business associates and ask how they are doing, the answer 8 times out of 10 is "Doing okay, for a Monday." How is Monday different than any other day of the week? When we should:
Psalm 118:24
24 - This is the day the Lord has made! We will rejoice and be glad in it.
Doing everything to the best of our ability gives God glory. We should not be doing just enough "to get by" either. God is deserving of our best attempt at everything we do. Our boss may not be in our opinions, but it doesn't matter because we do not work for our boss. We work for the One True King.
Sometimes we are irresponsible with our weekends and we exhibit behavior that prevents us from being clear and ready to go to work on Monday mornings. For me, I chose to stay up too late last night and watched a TV show my husband and I had recorded earlier in the evening. When I woke up this morning, I was groggy and tired. I didn't want to go to work and have to deal with people because I was tired. When we are tired we tend to be less patient and more eager to just "get by" with our workday.
We sing about bringing God glory. We talk about bringing Him glory. Do we follow with action? Are we content with what we have and working every day as if we are doing all things to His glory? Are we giving thanks and rejoicing every day for the provision He has made?
Or are we complaining and grumbling about Monday arriving...just as it does every week?
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